Science Communication

  • Wetenschapsbattle / Battle of the Scientists:
    Science communication challenge: present your research to children age 6-12. I was selected of one of the five finalists and presented my work to an audience of 3500 children. (in dutch) [link]

  • Science figured out: How to keep a secret?:
    3 minute video presentation on the need for post-quantum cryptography and side-channel attacks for a broad audience (in dutch) [link]

  • Interview with Kennismakers:
    Interview with the kennismakers: FWO research magazine about my work for Post-Quantum Cryptography (in dutch) [link]

  • Blogpost about Post-Quantum Cryptography:
    Blogpost about my research: why are quantum computers dangerous for our current internet security, and how can we deal with this problem. [link]

  • KU Leuven @ Boekenbeurs:
    7 minute science slam presentation on cryptography for a broad audience (including my grandmother 😊)

  • Volunteer at WeGoSTEM:
    Yearly full day introduction to programming at local schools (5th and 6th grade) during EU Code Week. [link]
    This is a really cool organisation, check it out if you live in Belgium

  • Coach at Product Innovation Project:
    Coach of student team designing a product to encourage girls to choose STEM related careers, one year project [link]

  • Tutor at Sagio:
    Private tutor for courses on Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics and Information Theory (2013-2015)

Courses on science communication

  • Summer school Let’s talk Science:
    Summer school on various aspects of science communication organised by Flemish Universities (2018, 2019) [link]

  • The Floor is Yours: science presentation for children:
    Workshop on adapting a scientific explanation for children, in context of Battle of the Sciences 2020 [thefloorisyours]
    Their workshops are really amazing!

  • The Floor is Yours: video presentations:
    Workshop on making a video presentation for a broad audience 2019 [thefloorisyours]


  • Ombuds for master Electrical Engineering:
    mediator between students and professors, neutral point of contact for students in case of troubles with exams or courses (2017-2020)

  • Master thesis supervision:
    2 students of Electrical Engineering (2019-2020)
    3 students of Master of Artificial Intelligence (2017-2018)
    2 students of Mathematical Engineering (2017-2018)
    1 students of Electrical Engineering (2016-2017)

  • Digital Signal Processing: Exercise sessions:
    3th bachelor Engineering Science (2017, 2018, 2019)

  • Problem Solving & Design: teaching assistent:
    3th bachelor Engineering Science (2015-2016)